Mrs. Yoy: One Year and Counting

Today marks a huge milestone for the Mrs. Yoy Blog.

It is the one year anniversary of when I started writing.

To be honest, I didn't think I make it.

When I first began, I was writing solely for myself.  I was hanging by a thread and found this to be a great stress reliever.  It was a vehicle for me to release the crazy things that were happening in my life.

I wasn't too concerned that anyone was reading it, except of course, Mr. Yoy.  As I blame him for whatever horrible things our kids do.  I wanted him to fully understand what I went through on a daily basis raising the Yoys.

And a funny thing happened.  Other people started reading it, too.  And actually liking it.  And providing comments and feedback.  I found myself connecting to people I hadn't really talked to in years.  In some cases strangers, too.

I lost that feeling of isolation that I sometimes crept in while spending the majority of my time with two little kids.  It was wonderful.

So I thought I'd link up some of my favorite posts of the past year.  We could all use a laugh or at least some confirmation that at least you don't have to spend eternity with these kids.

Need a good scare?

Need a good cry?

Need a good laugh?

Need to feel embarrassed?

Need to feel solid in your decision to not be a parent?

Need to feel fat?

Need to feel like a bad parent?

I want to thank all of my readers for being so supportive and I hope I can continue to give everyone a good laugh.

I'm sure 2012 will be full of a whole lotta crazy!

Big E taking a moment of reflection.  He's probably scheming up all sorts of trouble.


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